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Modbus to OPC UA
Bring your legacy devices into the Industry 4.0 world with OPC UA
Course overview (3:20)
Introduction to information model concepts of OPC UA
Benefit of using an OPC UA information model (4:56)
Define a custom information model for a machine use case (3:25)
Concepts of address space, nodes and references in OPC UA (3:34)
Identify a node uniquely in the OPC UA address space (3:56)
The eight node classes in OPC UA
Overview of references in OPC UA
Address space organization in OPC UA
Quiz on standard notations of node classes and references
OPC UA companion specification for Modbus
Overview of the lectures (1:25)
Commonly used industrial fieldbuses (0:49)
OPC UA companion specifications for industrial fieldbuses (2:08)
Status of OPC UA companion specifications for industrial fieldbuses (1:38)
What about OPC UA companion specification for Modbus? (1:36)
Quiz on OPC UA companion specifications for industrial fieldbuses
Demo of a sample application use case for Modbus to OPC UA
Overview of the lectures (1:13)
Define a sample application use case that uses Modbus (6:55)
Building blocks of the Modbus to OPC UA demo (5:36)
OPC UA server information model with Modbus types from the use case (4:36)
Variables and properties of Modbus types in OPC UA server (4:35)
Modbus device object instantiated from Modbus types in OPC UA server (2:32)
OPC UA client configures Modbus device object in OPC UA server (9:57)
OPC UA client reads Modbus device data through OPC UA server (4:42)
Custom information model of the sample application use case
Overview of the lectures (0:58)
Modelling subsystems of the machine in the sample application use case (1:46)
Object type for Modbus connection configuration (3:38)
Object types for the machine subsystems (6:38)
Object type for the machine in the sample application use case (3:15)
Mechanisms to access data over OPC UA
Overview of the lectures (1:05)
OPC UA client connects to the OPC UA server (3:58)
OPC UA client writes Modbus configuration to information model of OPC UA server (9:32)
OPC UA client invokes method call on OPC UA server to connect to Modbus device (4:16)
OPC UA client invokes method call on OPC UA server to cyclically poll Modbus device (7:15)
Polled Modbus data gets updated into information model of OPC UA server (4:01)
OPC UA client polls Modbus data from information model of OPC UA server (4:28)
OPC UA client subscribes to notifications of Modbus data change in OPC UA server (11:44)
OPC UA client subscribes to notifications of Modbus data change in OPC UA server
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