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Learn OPC UA using NodeOPCUA Stack
OPC UA in Industry 4.0
OPC UA in Industry 4.0 (9:06)
Preview on code walk through (2:51)
OPC UA Information Model
Benefit of using an OPC UA information model (4:56)
Define a custom information model for a machine use case (3:25)
Concepts of address space, nodes and references in OPC UA (3:34)
Identify a node uniquely in the OPC UA address space (3:56)
The eight node classes in OPC UA
Overview of references in OPC UA
Address space organization in OPC UA
Quiz on standard notations of node classes and references
Software setup for example applications
Download and install dependency packages (2:22)
Node.js environment setup in Linux (12:08)
Node.js environment setup in Windows (6:14)
OPC UA Read Write Services
Concepts of read/write services in OPC UA
Create a variable node in the information model (8:30)
Read/write the variable node in the information model (9:01)
Read/write the variable node remotely using a client application (13:41)
Compile the custom information model into the OPC UA server (6:09)
Updating the value of a node in the information model on a regular interval by polling (6:21)
Updating the value of a node in the information model only on read request from a client (8:13)
Create a subscription to monitor data change of the variable (15:40)
Quiz on OPC UA read/write services
OPC UA Methods
Concepts of methods in OPC UA
Define the methods in the OPC UA server application (9:34)
Implement the method call in the OPC UA client application (8:24)
Quiz on OPC UA methods
OPC UA Security
Concepts of secure communication in OPC UA
Authenticate the client with username and password (8:33)
Generate public and private keys required for message signing and encryption (3:13)
Use message signing to verify if the client can be trusted (11:51)
Use encryption to keep the client/server communication confidential (4:23)
Quiz on OPC UA security
Quiz on OPC UA security
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